
Medically trained. Naturally focused.

The leading natural health centre in Dartmouth.

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Medically trained. Naturally focused.

The leading natural health centre in Dartmouth.

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As the leading natural health centre in Dartmouth, we cater to the specific health concerns and needs of our community.

Consider us the detectives your health has never had. As primary health care givers, we are here to get to the root cause of your health concerns and create a personalized and effective natural health care plan. Covered by extended health care benefits because we are the experts in safe and effective natural health care. 


Our Clinic

Once a corner store. Now a natural health hub.


Our Clinic

Once a corner store. Now a natural health hub.


Goodbye sugar, hello health. 

Our clinic location was once a corner store that catered to the unsuspecting sweet tooth of the Pleasant Street neighbourhood, including our very own Dr. Tara's when she was a child! We feel vindicated that we've turned an old junk food hub into a natural health hub for our community.

Boost Your Energy

Dartmouth Naturopathic offers the only IV therapy suite this side of the harbour. Relax in one of our treatment chairs, get hooked up to your drip, and walk out with a boost. 

Natural Pain Relief

One in five Canadians suffer with chronic pain. Unfortunately treatment with over the counter and prescription pain killers are associated with serious side effects.

Get the Answers

As part of our functional approach to health care, our ND’s believe in uncovering the root cause of your symptoms. We offer an array of cutting edge tests.