Naturopathic Medicine
Take a seat and enjoy a cup of tea, as you get a whole 60 minutes of undivided attention from a physician who is here to get to the root of your symptoms. This is our signature objective, to treat conditions by their cause and not to simply suppress them. Together we will make the connections and put together a treatment plan leading towards optimal health. Once a patient, you will have access to cutting edge lab tests, therapies, and supplements as a part of our functional approach to healing.
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. The naturopathic philosophy is to stimulate the healing power of the body and treat the underlying cause of disease. Symptoms of disease are seen as warning signals of improper functioning of the body, and unfavourable lifestyle habits. Naturopathic Medicine emphasizes disease as a process rather than an entity.
Licensed Naturopathic Doctors require a minimum of 8 years post secondary eduction including 4 years at an accredited Naturopathic Medical College, of which there are only two in Canada (Toronto and Vancouver). They must also pass a North American standardized board exam and hold a membership in a regulated province.
Covered by most extended health benefits.
Naturopathic Medicine incorporates the following tools:
- Prevention and Lifestyle Counselling
- Clinical Nutrition
- Botanical Medicine
- Homeopathic Medicine
- Acupuncture | Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Physical Medicine
- Hydrotherapy
- Injection Therapies
- Knowledge of Pharmaceutical Medications
After briefly checking in, your acupuncturist conducts an analysis of your tongue and pulse which you’ve come to understand gives indication of subtle information about your current health. You lay back on the treatment table and experience the dance of the needles which are placed accordingly. These specially selected points do their attuning as you relax peacefully in your treatment room.
Acupuncture is a key therapy used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM originated more than 2000 years ago as a from of medicine to balance the whole person with their environment. The main goal in TCM is to improve the flow if Qi (Chi) which is the vital energy force that flows within us through very specific organ channels. Qi is influenced by the opposing negative and positive forces of Yin and Yang. Acupuncture needles are tiny sterile needles which are inserted into any of the over 2000 points in the body to balance Qi, Yin & Yang and thus bring harmony to the body.
Acupuncturists in Nova Scotia require a minimum of 2 years of post-secondary education at an accredited Acupuncture school. Naturopathic Doctors are also trained in acupuncture throughout their education.
Covered by most extended health benefits.
TCM incorporates the following tools:
- Acupuncture
- Moxa
- Gua Sha Massage
- Qi gong
- TCM herbs
- TCM dietary therapy
- Facial rejuvenation
Massage Therapy
This is a time for you. During your massage you will experience the release of daily stresses as you experience the guided flow of therapeutic touch. Whether it’s for ongoing muscle tension or a physical injury, therapeutic massage is an indispensable tool to help your body maintain balance.
Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues such as muscles, facia, tendons and ligaments to produce a clinical reduction in the discomfort associated with daily stress, muscular over use and many chronic pain conditions.
Massage Therapist in Nova Scotia require a minimum of 2 years of post secondary education at an accredited massage therapy program.
Covered by most extended health care benefits
You may not be able to see it but you can feel the heat and relaxation from this energetic technique. This isn’t massage, it’s working on a more subtle level and you may feel a deeper sense of relaxation or may even fall asleep as you rest on the treatment table. You’ll leave feeling renewed and comforted with this balancing healing touch and chakra treatment.
Reiki is a Japanese healing technique in which the practitioners hands are used to transfer energy with non invasive touch. It is based on the idea that there is an unseen “life force energy” that flows through us, and when low, we are more prone to illness. Reiki helps to improve the life force and ground the body & mind lessening the impact of stress, releasing tension from the entire system.
Ayurvedic Medicine
This is the start of learning more about what makes you unique and how to best support your positive attributes. You’ll learn which foods & spices to favour, your best time for restful sleep, what colours and smells keep you balanced, and what forms of exercise suit you best. Fine tune your daily routine one small shift at a time.
Ayurvedic Medicine is a 5,000 year old form of medicine that arose from Vedic texts in India. It is a form of medicine that observes the elements in our environment as a metaphor to describe what is occurring in our bodies and minds. These elements are space, air, fire, water and earth. They can be combined to make up 3 different constitutions: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. To balance these constitutions different dietary and lifestyle interventions can be applied that take into consideration all the senses: taste, smell, sight, touch and sound.
It can be very gratifying to learn more about your dosha in order to make some very simple lifestyle changes to better attune your daily routine and environment for good health.
After flowing gently through a series of stretches coordinated with intentional breath, you take rest. Lying on your back, in deep relaxation, you’re able to settle the body and mind enough to find yourself in the present moment. The body feels open, the mind expanded, you leave feeling refreshed and renewed.
Yoga is union: the union of body and mind, the union of our consciousness with universal consciousness, the union of our hearts with one another. The aerobic exercise of practicing postures (asana) is just one of the tools of yoga that can help us obtain this sense of connectedness. It is eye opening that in ancient yogic texts (5000BC) there is little emphasis placed on the postures, but more on breath work, meditation, and other subtle therapies. The modern yogic postures were influenced by western physical practices such as wrestling, body building and gymnastics. Much of what we practice as yoga here in the west comes from modern roots.
Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT) have obtained training and teaching experience to meet the Yoga Alliance Registry Standards. RYTs must complete training from a Registered Yoga School.