Has the winter got you beat? Then eat a beet!

I just opened my first jar of homemade pickled beets thanks to @mitchoo and they were delish!

Beets are so full of bio available minerals and vitamins including iron that they help build blood and ener…

Has the winter got you beat? Then eat a beet!

I just opened my first jar of homemade pickled beets thanks to @mitchoo and they were delish!

Beets are so full of bio available minerals and vitamins including iron that they help build blood and energy. They cleanse the liver, are high in antioxidants, and in nutrients that lower cholesterol and protect the cardiovascular system.

Beets are great to eat during a change of season as try are very grounding. Wonderful for vata types, and if cooked pitta types.

#dartmouth #halifax #naturopathic #health #beets #ayurveda #pickles #nutrition (at Dartmouth Naturopathic Health Centre)