I set up my “green” shower this weekend. I connected a Santevia shower filter to an Eco water saving shower head. 

Why filter shower water? Well it’s believe that more chlorine and volatile substances are absorbed during a hot sho…

I set up my “green” shower this weekend. I connected a Santevia shower filter to an Eco water saving shower head.

Why filter shower water? Well it’s believe that more chlorine and volatile substances are absorbed during a hot shower than in drinking tap water during the day. Santevia systems filter out chlorine, heavy metals and sediment while softening water and remineralized with tourmaline which is high in silica for hair & skin and provides grounding negative ions.

Why is chlorine of concern? We are ingesting more than 300x a safe amount every day. Research on this topic shows it increases the risk of cancer, birth complications, asthma, liver malfunction, and auto-immune conditions.

We carry Santevia products at the clinic, and they’re actually quite inexpensive!

#dartmouthnaturopathic #chlorinatedwater #autoimmune #shower #santevia #health #green (at Dartmouth Naturopathic Health Centre)