I’m so excited to be carrying this cookbook in the office. For anyone looking at taking care of chronic illness, especially autoimmune disease, this is a must have resource for an allergen free, nutrient dense diet.  

This diet helped me imme…

I’m so excited to be carrying this cookbook in the office. For anyone looking at taking care of chronic illness, especially autoimmune disease, this is a must have resource for an allergen free, nutrient dense diet.

This diet helped me immensely. Last winter I was diagnoses with hypothyroidism (which is an autoimmune disease in over 90% of cases) and was given a prescription for synthroid. However I avoided taking it by following a comprehensive autoimmune protocol which involved the autoimmune paleo diet. Thankfully my blood work slowly returned into normal range.

Let food be thy medicine! (at Dartmouth Naturopathic Health Centre)