My recent trip to costco! There are so many great healthy options in bulk these days, below are a few of my favorite go to’s:

-organic coconut oil, olive and avocado oil
-coconut flour
-almond flour
-shredded coconut
-coconut/almond milk

My recent trip to costco! There are so many great healthy options in bulk these days, below are a few of my favorite go to’s:

-organic coconut oil, olive and avocado oil
-coconut flour
-almond flour
-shredded coconut
-coconut/almond milk
-non gmo sweet potato crackers
-avocados and bananas
-wild caught fish including salmon
-true to nature gluten free granola bars
-chia seeds and hemp hearts
-Qia cereal
-unsweetened jam
-almond butter
-frozen blueberries without pesticides
-dried fig and mangos without sugar and oil
-real pickles refrigerated
-organic coffee and tea
-organic chicken (not free range)

Do you have any other favs!?

#dartmouthnaturopathic #spotted #healthyshopping #organic #costco #nutrition #dartmouth #naturopathic #halifax

(at Costco Dartmouth)